November 26, 2010

I am good!

Just a quick post to let you know all is going well.  I'm still in Alappuzha, enjoying my 100Rs a day room, cheap food, slow past.  I'm reading, doing yoga, meditation, enjoying it!  Yesterday I gave a yoga class to a guy who will teach me some of Kerala's traditional martial art tonight.  This one is for you Josh!

Not much news, all is pretty good!

Take care!

I love you all!

Don't hesitate to write:

November 22, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get!

I am loving Alappuzha, even though it is not really Venice like... that much.  Don't get me wrong, it is beautiful!  Love the slow pace of the town, everyone seams calm and good.

Yesterday we have taken the "public" boat bus to get to an island that was about 1 hour away (with many stops on the way).  It was a lot cheaper then renting a boat for the three of us and we got to go only where we wanted to.  It was a great ride to go, it rained most of the way back.  I loved the walk on the island, it is such a mini village and was a different vibe then anywhere else I have been up to now.  We had an amazing lunch, home made food in what seams to be the only guess house there.  I have gotten many great pics of local people and we waited for the boat with a local man who was drunk and spoke no English.  Yet he was very talkative, singing to us and everything.  I must say he was a bit to much, yet it remains a great memory.

Stephanie, you suggested that I rend a house boat for one night, which I wont, since it is my budget for about one week of guess house and food for just one day!  On an other visit maybe!  But I can relate on why it would be amazing, I have pics of boat house, for the other readers, you will see how nice it is.

Arriving at Alappuzha beach!  The secret beach that is!  We took a public bus for 14km to get there, plus a few minutes of walking, it was worth it, plus it was a beautiful afternoon!

Boat house, you can rent it for 24hours or more, to live on it, with a chef that prepare the food and all.  TV, AC, all you could want is available for the right price.  I decided not to do it since it is to much budget.

Transportation from one island to another!

Stolen picture during the public boat bus ride.
Transportation of sand, for construction purpose.  There is a motor on the right side, at the rear of the boat.

Jeffrey, in the public boat.  Cute little girl with her mom behind him!

Big bridge, for pedestrians or bicycle from one island to the next, high enough for big boats to get under, wow!

Two guys I met on the boat, we are actually standing in the bathrooms.  At the rear end of the boat, two doors, two little cabin, open to the sky, had a hole in the floor for your release.  Then a bucket to get water and wash it off a little.  I'm glade I didn't get to use it!!!

Walking around the island we visited.

House boat.

Kids loving to get there pictures taken, then they want to look at it on our cam and they are happy with that!  Loved it!

I thought she was beautiful, she was a little embarrassed I think when I asked for a photo of only her.

From the boat, on our way back, between two moments of rain fall.  Love it!

Oh!  I forgot to share about bed bugs… again this week.  In the room we took in Kochi we had bed bugs in the room.  The second night we were there Dan saw a bug on the bed, he goes:”you think this is a bed bug?” To which I said:”no, to big.”  After a google search on my phone, we found a picture of bed bugs, and that what is was.  We freaked out for a few seconds, started to look carefully in the beds… there wasn’t a lot, but there was a few mini ones and a few big ones.  We have killed as much as possible, then sprayed the sheets with some bugs repellent, did the same the next night and the left for Alappuzha.  At this point I think we are ok, we have only got a few bites on the first night, none on the second, and none since in the new room.  Yet, they can live up to 1 year without feeding, so they could be hiding somewhere in my bag and on my clothes.  Lets hope for the best!!!

Tomorrow Dan is leaving for the North of India, I have to say that although I have enjoyed having company, I’m looking forward to getting back in my bubble.  It has nothing to do with him, I just feel I need to be alone more, be more with myself and focus on what is going on inside.  I have a few good books I want to read and I have started to write a little everyday to keep a log of my travel, my thoughts, my experience and what I’m getting out of it.  I still don’t know where I want to go next, I mean, after this trip.  Odette, a friend who lives in Fredericton, NB, is taking part of starting some sort of health center and she suggested I could come and work there.  I have to say the idea is appealing!  I’m also thinking the south of France could be good, working in a tourist type of resort, doing massage, teaching yoga, enjoying the beach!!  So many options, such a beautiful dilemma. 

Well, I hope you are enjoying this, I sure am, especially when you write feedbacks, here or on facebook, or when I get an email.  Don't hesitate to write and send me news about yourselves.

I miss you my friends!
lots of love your way!

Happy Charles!

November 19, 2010

Fort Kochi and Ernakulam (very close cities to one an other) was nice but didn't really have a soul.  Just arrived in Allappey today and already loving it.  Room in nice and cheap, food is cheap, all is slow and relax, I love it!  Plus I have lots of room in my room for yoga!

Dan came with me to Allappey, and I am meeting with Jefferey again who will come and spend the weekend. Should be fun!!!

More soon, pics and all!  Enjoy the few pics!
From inside the boat to get to Fort Kochi, by night.  Interesting, someone takes care of the engine, giving gaz, slowing down, etc... while someone else is driving.  They don't see each other so the communicate with a big bell!

Tipical corner store, this one in Ernakulam.

From the same boat as the night before, nice huge boat near us!

The captain of the boat?  No, the guy that activates the engine.

Nice spot to chit chat and relaxe, nice tree near Fort Kochi.

Fishing on a beautiful day in Fort Kochi!

Kids playing criket in the Temples entrance.  Was a nice moment at the temple, a group of women were chanting.

Ernakulam by night, by my window.
This is Dan, the New Yorker, in a flower shop, all fake of course.  When I passed in front I couldn't resist the temptation to do a picture in there!

November 17, 2010

Fishermans - Fort Kochi

This one is for you Alvin, the big nets we see, ever there head, are from the Chinese.  It is believed it could have been introduced by the Chinese explorer Zheng He.  They are no longer used, yet have become a tourist attraction.

While I was visiting the nets I got to see these fisher mans!

a trip to India, a need to discover myself and the world

In summer 2010 I started to feel this urge to change something in my life, to know more about myself, to know more about the world.  After a few great conversations, many hours of thinking, I decided to leave mostly everything behind me and head up to India.  I had a great life, amazing friends, someone I loved and who loved me, a house, a car, a dog, a pool in a nice backyard, etc... Yet I was feeling like a was missing out on something, like something was calling me elsewhere.  So I bought a one way ticket to India, to try and figure this out.

Three months have pass at this point, I have been in India most of this time.  Wow!  What an amazing journey it has been up to now!  I am meeting lost of amazing people, open minded and with whom I can talk about more then just the daily stuff of life.  It feels good and it is very inspiring.  I have also spent lots of time alone, appreciating it as much, being with myself, being with everything around me.  Reading also helps me to see the world in a different way, I have been reading some good books about yoga, which touches upon who we are according to the rest of the universe, etc... interesting stuff.

One thing for sure that have changed at this point is a profound sense of inner peace, a feeling that I am strong on my own, no mater what.  I've also had to face certain fears, like insects, rats, snakes, etc... and just trust in the bigger process, which is wonderful.  I can't pretend I don't have fears anymore, far from that, yet I remind myself of how much fear controls our daily life, and how I don't want to go back to that.

My perception of the rest of the world has also changed, after visiting just a few different cities in the last months, I now know that nothing I can read in a book or nothing anyone can say about a place will actually describe it.  No mater how much details can be offered, it will never represents the experience how I will experience that place.  I knew this as a concept, mind you, I often told people that were offering there insights on India or Asia that it is a matter of who you meet, the timing, etc...  Now I know I was right.  You live the world according to your expectation of it, you see it according to the filter of your past experience and of your present emotions.  The world will offer you exactly what you expect it too!  The universe is a place where balance must exist, good attracts good, abundance attracts abundance, so on and so forth!

Of course coming to India was also a way for me to not have the same "routine" as I had back home.  This as contributed to what I am experiencing now, yet, I could have found that sense of peace and better knowing myself anywhere else.  India is a spiritual place, yet you still have to seek spirituality here to find it.  It is a fact that many people come to India on a certain quest of self discovery, hoping to become more spiritual, change their life, etc...  I don't think it is India itself but the people we get to meet here.  The conversations I had, with perfect strangers, for a few minutes or hours have made me think and helped me change a few times.  I thank all of them/of you!

Gratitude is certainly the most important feeling to cultivate if you want to make a positive impact in your life.  I read about this a few times, now I feel it as a truth for myself.  Dr Emoto suggested it was one of the most powerful emotion to cultivate for healing the body.  The law of the universe that creates balance had to answer to gratitude by providing more of what makes you grateful.  It is an amazing circle of life itself.  Be grateful for what you have, and it will keep coming your way.  You will then be even more grateful and thus you will help your body heal, enhance your immune system, contribute to your mental capacities, etc...  I feel like pretending that if one emotion can change the world, it is gratitude.

Start with small things, be thankful for the small things in your daily life.  Make a habit of saying thank you to life/God/the Universe.  Cultivate gratitude for your health, the little things that make you feel good, the amazing people around you, anything.  But find something that makes you feel gratitude, take a few moments of just focusing on it, then smile.  Try it, you'll see, it'll make you feel better right away.

I don't pretend to have understand a big secret, it has been written before, it has been said before.  Jesus, Buddha, and many others spoke of similar things.  Be content with what you have, with who you are, and you will be happy!  I was reading something a few days ago that was saying something like that the end of the day, regardless of age, religion, political views, social status, etc... we are all looking for one thing, to be happy!  Unfortunately happiness is not something you can find, it is something you can feel. I am thankful for every happy moments that I have in a day!  Like Dr. Dier says: "I want to feel Good!"  So I choose to feel good, I choose what makes me feel good, I FEEL GOOD!  Feeling good, according to him still, is feeling God!  I believe it, I relate, I want to feel Good, I want to feel God.  To me this means I want to feel I am a part of this greater whole.  I want to feel I am alive, not just that I'm living!!!  So I am thankful for each moment that I feel Good!  I cultivate gratitude toward feeling good, therefore more things that increases my Feeling Good comes my way!  I am happy about that, and soooo grateful for it!

I hope I was able to share with you a little of what had taken place as a change up to now.  Maybe I was even able to influence you to change a little on how you see your daily routine.  It is not about the routine, it is about the perception around it.  No good, no bad, just what is!

Namaste my friends,

November 16, 2010

My train ride to Kochi

I just arrived in Kochi, it is a rainy day, yet all is good.  I will be sharing a room with two beds today with a New Yorker I've met on the train.  It'll save me a bit of money and company is always good.  He has been traveling for a while too, mostly Europe, just got in India a week ago.

Two of three men with whom I talked with aboard the train.  Everyone seams fascinated about a white guy traveling alone!!!  They were from Kerala, the province I just arrived in.  So they were more than happy to share about the province and what I should do and see.  I made them happy also when I said that in my book it says:"There is India, and then there is Kerala!"

One of the men that were sharing my "room" on the train.  (There actually are rooms, with 4 beds instead of 6, with a door.  So less noisy, no people passing, at anytime of the night, to offer food, drinks or any nicnaks to sell.)

I don't like to show the dirty part of what I see sometimes, but I had to show this one.  When on the train, there is no garbage cans, people just trow it out the windows!!!  This morning, after a mini breakfast, I asked, what do I do with this?  To which I was told to trow it out the window!  I didn't, of course, I wanted for the next stop, went out to the garbage can on the deck, then back in the train!  I can make a difference!!!  (smile)  I could also add that when you go to the bathroom, you see the light in the bottom of the toilet, cause it is going... you guessed it, directly on the railway track!!!

This is a sleeper class train, no AC, lots of fans and air from windows is fine!  So I got to sleep as well as in any guest house, 480Rs for the ride, during the night.  So for just a few Rs more then a room I also traveled 654Km during my sleep.  It was comfortable, plus I have met a guy from NYC with whom we decided to share the room for tonight, so more savings!

My train ride from Goa to Kochi, Kerala


Calangute and other places in Goa

Sharing a few pics...

Somewhere in Mapusa.

Somewhere in Goa, on the road to north Goa.

Other side of the bridge where the previous picture was taken.

We are having lunch at a beach, north of Goa.  I went there with Iman, a Canadian guy that I've met in Calangute.

This one is for you guys, a nice Rusian girl heading to the beach.  In a few minutes she will flash her "boobs" at us, as she rises back from her chair, putting her bikini top back!!!  Iman votes that she did it on purpose to flirt, he might have been right, he got her phone number before we left!!

Calangute by night!

Iman and Cooper (talked about them in a prev post)

Prepairing nan bread, in this big barrel beside him, which is used like a oven.  Interesting, and very tasty!!!

This represents so well what I'm living, nice images, so true to what I've observed so far!

It's only a few minute to watch, take the time, you'll know what I'm seeing here.

November 14, 2010

Last day in Goa, tomorrow Cochin

Hello everyone, after more then a week in Calangute I will be leaving tomorrow for Cochin, in a 14 hour train ride.  Night train that is, with a bed (mini) to sleep, so it should't be that bad.

Calangute, Goa, was beautiful, I enjoyed the beach everyday met many beautiful people.  I met a guy from Mtl, who had befriend with a british couple, so we had a great meal all three of us and went out that night in a discotheque.  It was cool to dance a bit.  At one point of the evening a (white, maybe british) girl started to dance on a podium and all the indian men went crazy, it was funny to watch.  That was a great night, good time.

Yesterday I met a Canadian and an American guy who were together for the day, we spent the day together and I befriended with the Canadian guy, with whom I visited a beach up north of Goa today, way calmer, lesser people, and I had an amazing meal and great coffee!

I never ended up finishing my last dive for scuba as my ear is just starting to feel better.  It is good, I didn't have to pay the full price, so I can finish this anywhere in the world within 12 mths.  I'm thinking Tailand!!!

I have put a link for cochin at the top of this post, which will make you wait for the next pics.  I also promise I will take more pictures of people and situation, actually want to test the one on my phone, then it would be more subtle.

I have also started to write a post about what I have experience, learned, ect... taking a different angle to my trip then the day to day.  Might get a bit personal, not sure if I'll share everything, but hoping to share some learning with this one.

Did a yoga class two days ago, was intersting, espacially that the guy was pretty convinced to be the Big Shot Yoga Teacher, after a few minute of conversation with him I had to try a class, to either learn from the best or know more about this guy.  It was an ok class, but nothing out of the ordinary.  It was really quick, no focus on the breath, and more oriented as a workout then a meditative approach!  And then he tells me I should come back a few time, that it would help my flexibility.  Not that type of class I thought!!!

Next stop will have much to visit and see, plus it is suppose to be the nicest province of India, all Indians from the south seams to think so anyway!

Take care guys,
miss you!

Happy snow and cold days!
lots of warm hugs from the east beach of Goa!!!


November 11, 2010

Finally I can upload pics!!! The last few days in image.

I'm just finished reading a good book that an amazing man gave me a few days ago, in Hampi, as a thank you for what I had shared with him about yoga and energy!  Isn't life just beautiful?  Sebastien is his name, he is the beautiful Helene's, the french girl I met, boyfriend.  Beautiful person too!  As I am writing this I realise I didn't take a picture of him!!!  I'll get you some other time Seb!

So I feel like sharing a quote from the book:

"Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it take with you your all."
- prophet Kahlil Gibran -

I had a virus on my card, went to a photo center and got my picks on a DVD. Thank god for technology! So here are a few pics of the last few days.

Arriving on the beach in Calangute, Goa

Calangute street shops, filled with trafic most of the time.  Pay attention to the bike in the foreground, some people drive with more load then this on their scooter.  I have seen a full family of 5, two parents and 3 kids on this size scooter!!!

Calangute street, with a bit of trafic, a few rickshaws, on the right, waiting for the next client.  And just for you dad, somewhat of a shot of a woman!  I'm still working on getting you a better one!!!
The beach, a little before sunset.  Always filled with much people, lots of tourists (Indians), some wimming in underware, others in fully clothed, at anytime of the day.  Interesting sean I tell you!  Love it!  I often go swim at sunset, and I mingle with the indians (there is two sections on each sides where it is mostly white people, I go to the middle and talke with the locals.  Verry interesting, they all seam facinated by a single white man swiming amongs them!  Some rush to me to ask:"What's your name? Where are you from? Are you married?  Are you alone?" Same questions, over and over, anyone I meet here.  All facinated by someone who chooses to travel alone!  It make interesting conversations!

Same boat as what we take to go scuba diving, 25km away is an island where we go.  We saw some dolphans yesterday, not like in the movies, none jumping and doing tricks, just their back as they come up for air.  Was still impressive.

An old fort, reconstructed by the british when they invaded Goa, never served for war (1600ish).

View from a beach, 10km north of Calangute.

Sunset on Calangute's beach, as nice as those of Matane... or maybe better!  lol  Try to be there every night, always a nice show!

My room for the last three nights in Hampi - I love it! Got to be ready to have a few friends with you, no screen, and you can guess anything could come in from the roof. Yet I was lucky, nothing scary got in. I did see a 5 foot snake a few feet from my hut the last day before leaving!!! (electricity - lights and fan - plus food was amazing and cheap!!!) loved it!  Should you wander, bathroom was just bised it, with showers!