From Kho Phangan to Hat Yai, what a ride.
So 6am is wake up time, to finish to pack my bag and leave for a 10 minute scooter ride from my little cottage to returning the scooter and hoping on a 2.5 hour boat ride. It’s a smaller boat then the one I took to get to the Kho Phangan, no cars on this one, fast too. Once we get to destination, we are directed in various buses which will take us to our respective destination or, like in my case, to where I’ll get into a mini bus to Hat Yai. One and a half our of bus brings us to a mini food, toilet and ticket place, where we are all directed to our mini bus to finish the journey to our destination. I go to the toilet, so I’m the last one on the mini bus, so I get to sit in the front, between the driver and his colleague or friend. Middle seat of the front of a van/mini bus, not to much room for the legs, no head rest and AC directly on me, it’ll be a long 4.5 hours I’m thinking. I take a breath and tell myself it is just another experience, all will be good.
His dashboard is worth a movie scene, so many little things are on this dash I don’t know where to start to describe this. First there is layers over layers of little flower braded together hanging from the mirror, then on the driver side this are piles of what seams to be maps, receipts, CD cases, a pack of gum, a pack of cigarettes, crayons, and some other papers of some kind. The rest of the dash is a village of little creature, fake, thank God, but moving. Little plastic creatures with the limbs moving with the rocking of the van on the road, standing on a spring, so dancing as well which seams to give them a bit of life or personality. Insects, a crab, two turtles, a few birds and a character from what could be a Walt Disney movie are the main interests of the scene. Amongst them, a few car fresheners, that are certainly no longer fresh, and a few other things not worthy to describe. The dash is 80% covered, I feel like everything has its own story, that I could be entertained for the ride if they could talk.
I have spent the last two days with a guy that I have met during my Acro Yoga classes. Guillaum, niked name Yoda, a very interesting fellow, and we connected because of our interest in energy healing and meditation. He has been practicing Theta Healing for a while and was going on about how it changed his life. So we agreed to meet to share knowledge, he would do some Theta Healing on me and teach me about it and I would do some Reiki Healing and teach him about it. Two beautiful days, meditating, discussing about life and “healing” one another. It was great, I love this new technique of meditation, it resonate with me a lot, it is a little less technical then the method that I was thought during me 10 days retreat, closer to what I used to do with Reiki or even during my Yoga meditation.
I have not gone to the full moon party on the Saturday, by 10 pm I was falling asleep, not feeling like partying and not feeling like being in a crowd of drunken and high people. The next day I met a few people that told me I didn’t miss out on anything, it was too crowded, people were all young and partying out hard, jumping and bumping on each other, etc… It got me to think that I most have grown older in the last few years, I still think I’m no more then 25 most of the time, I still feel like 40 is close to “older” then me, but I guess I have to realize that I will be 35 in a few months. Wow! I’m lucky and happy to be enjoying my life, because I am not ready to be old, even if people that are 25 starts to say stuff to me like: “People your age”. “People my age!!!” I hear myself react! Fuck, I did get older. Well, at least most people that I have met thought I was more around 29-30, I guess I’ll keep that as a comfort.
It’s been raining almost everyday in the last 5 days or so, so I have not been able to go finish my PADI (diving) certification. I could have gone but visibility was not good in the water, so what was the use of spending that money I thought. I am hoping to dive in Malaysia now, I have look up a few site, lets see how that unfolds.
Hat Yai should be a traditional little Thai town with not much happening but the night market. It used to be happening more, but since 2004 the political situation has slowed the travelers from coming to it. I’m not to sure what the issue is actually, for those of you who know me well, you know that I don’t take to much interest in the political stuff. Something about religion and land, not to sure, but all as been calm for a while, it should be ok. Dad, no worries, I will be there one or two nights and all will be fine. We bring our way what we send out, only good will come my way, no worries. So must people go to Hat Yai to make there way to Malaysia , some of them for what is called a visa run, which means to renew a Thai visa, and some of them to travel more south, like me.
At this point I have been in this mini bus, or big van, how ever you want to call this, for close to an hour only and my ass is already numb. I do have my lap top on me and have kept pretty still since we left, but with the leg room I’ve got, not to much options either! Plus at this point the passenger to my left, because the driver is to my right here, is sleeping with his leg pressing against mine. Now the rain has started again! What a ride, I love it! Such beautiful moments!
Have you ever stop to think why life seams short sometimes? I think it is because we keep living the same day, the same week or the same month over and over. When we look back at the last few years everything seams like a flash, but those moments that were different. Some of these moments being big events, like weddings, a new birth, a vacation or something like that. So I think we need moments that will stay in our memory to make life look longer. I am thankful for the last 6 months, it sometimes feel like I have been gone over a year now, and one of the reason is probably the lack of routine.
So I just arrived in Hat Yai, my ass needed the rest, found the guest house I wanted and now am updating on the web while there is a big shower (rain).
Looking forward for the night market tonight, cheap sushi and maybe find my dad a little something. I am not satisfied with what I have for him as a souvenir quite yet.
Well, here are a few more pics from Kha Phangan.
Take care until my next post!
All is good!
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Kho Phangan Part 2 |
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