September 29, 2010

Jour 3 / Day 3

Everything is going well, I am on the mission to getting a cellphone. It seams it will make my life easyier.  Although it is not an eazy mission, and I should know what to look for!!!

Food is good, last night I eat the most spicy food ever, today some other part of me felt the heat.  I guess I'll get used to that on the long run.

I took a few pics today, finally, soon to be uploaded I promise.

I've looked into a ayurvedic massage course, and for an ashram today.  Adaptation time is over, got to get productive!

Lots of love your way,

September 28, 2010

Today I feel better about being here.  I'm slowly getting used to how things work and all, so it feels better.  Also, food is amazing and so are the people.

More to come soon!
Metta to all of you!  (means love and kindness or loving kindness)

September 27, 2010

Je suis en Inde!!! Tout va bien!
I'm in India, all is good.

I have to admit that I am a bit overwelled with the differences on my first day.  Thank God that Rahul (an indian friend of a good friend of mine) came and picked me up at the airport, and that he offered to spend some time with me this week to visit the city and help me get around in Bangalore.  He is a beautiful soul for sure, thanks again Manu for connecting us!

Today I didn't do much, went for a walk close to my hotel, I had a great lunch and fresh juce.  I slept a bit and now came to an Internet cafe.

I don't smell the smell that everyone told me about, maybe Bangalore is not to bad.  I mean, there was a new smell in the air when we got close to Bangalore, but nothing that bad, and I don't smell it anymore today.

Being alone here is a bit scary, not much reference from Canada!  I gathered my courage today when I had to go find lunch.  It went well, yet I felt uneasy a few times.  I will get use to it, I'm sure!

More to come soon, I promise.  I didn't take any pictures yet, be patient for that please!

Lots of love to all of you my friends!

September 25, 2010

Eiffel tour of course, needed the shot, was not the best time of day for the light but hey!  J'ai aussi une version de nuit; but it is not in jpeg...   I think it looks better from a distance, at night or in a movie!

Inside yard at the Louvre - cours intérieure du Louvre, what a beautiful building!!

Nice sky, not to far from the Louvre! Que c'est beau Paris, plein de cours d'eau... c'est comme dans un film.  lol

Night test shot, happy with my cam at this point - In le Marais - Photo de nuit test, j'es suis bien contant!

Here are a few videos from Paris.

From my room at my hostel, 15 min from DT by subway, for 100€ for 4 nigths it is pretty good!  Vidéo du premier jour, vu de mon auberge.

from downtown looking at the Eiffel tower, I was coming back from a bar, there was an inturoption on the metro line so I had to walk to the next station.  I was happy when I came out and realised I was near the Eiffel Tower.

The last one is from one of the Louvre's entrance, don't quite show how big and beautiful!

Le prochain update sera fait de l'Inde!!  Next update from India!!!

Merci à la vie et à mon ami Manu j'ai un de ses amis qui viendra me prendre à l'aéroport, c'est quand même rassurant!

Thank you life and my friend Manu, one of his friend will come and pick me up at the airport.  Got to admit it is reassuring!

Bonne journée à tous!
Have an amazing day all!

September 24, 2010

English will follow

Paris est magnifique! Les parisiens ne sont pas du tout chiants, j'ai eu du bon café (à l'américaine comme ils disent) et fais de belles rencontres! j'ai vu la tour Eiffel de soir et de jour c'est vraiment plus beau de nuit!!  Aujourd'hui le louvre, de toute façon il pleut!!

(C'est vraiment long avec un clavier AZERTY mon doigté ne fonctionne plus; de retour à deux doigts pour taper)

Le décalage Montréal Paris ne s'est pas trop fait sentir sauf pour mon appétit, j'ai pas faim aux bonnes heures.  L'auberge où je suis est bien, même si la douche est froide!!  De toutes façons en Inde elles seront toujours froides!  Aussi bien m'habituer : )

J'ai pris quelques belles photos, je vous partage ça bientôt, c'est promis!!


Paris is beautiful, I'm enjoying every moments!  The keyborad is not like ours, which forces me to use only two fingers to type.  It makes it long!

I saw the Eiffel tower by night and by day; it is much more beautiful by night.

I promis a few pics soon!!

September 20, 2010

Well, just a few hours before my departure, my hostel is booked in Paris and my hotel is booked in Bangalore for the first 3 nights.

Auberge Léo Lagrange
107 rue Martre, 92110 Clichy


I have my new camera, Canon S90 that I'll be travelling with.  It looks like nothing yet it is excellent quality, I'm all excited about that too!

Here is just a test pic, to test both the camera and how it will look in the blog.  It is my friend Emily at work, what a nice photo studio!

I wish you all an amazing day!
Talk to you soon!
